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Tips for Staying Safe on the Job Site

Posted by Katy | Toolstop on 24th Feb 2021

Follow these tips to ensure you stay safe and out of harms way on the job site! This Blog talks hi vis, PPE, safety footwear and more.

tips for staying safe on the job site

Health and Safety in Construction

Safety is one of the number 1 rules of the job site. Understanding the risks you could encounter, and analysing how you can prevent them is essential when working with power tools. In this Toolstop guide, we will talk you through the main ways to keep yourself and others safe on site.

We will cover:

  • What PPE you should wear on the construction site
  • Other tools needed to keep you safe
  • Staying safe on the construction site - Coronavirus edition
  • Health and safety checklist

It is inevitable that when working with power tools, electricity, sharp implements or even at heights, there will be risks involved. However, this is not to say that they cannot be prevented. We have listed a few of the main precautions you should take to ensure a safe and risk free working environment.

The number one rule is to wear your PPE at all times!

PPE you should be using/wearing

Safety Footwear:

It is essential that you wear the correct footwear for the jobs you're carrying out. For many trades, safety boots/shoes are mandatory and there are specific guidelines that go along with this. However, put simply, safety shoes are there to protect you from falling objects, impacts, uneven surfaces and even to maintain foot health. There are numerous different options and styles available. Many steel-toed boots can withstand up to 75 pounds of falling pressure from objects dropped from up to three yards. Wear your safety boots!

HI Vis:

Having some sort of hi vis clothing, for instance a hi vis vest, is a necessity. It allows you to be easily seen, especially in lowly lit or dark areas.

Hard Hat:

You should always wear a hard hat where necessary. Hard hats are a type of helmet worn in workplaces to protect the head from flying objects, collision impact, debris, and shock among other hazards. It could potentially save your life!


If you work outdoors in a hot climate or simply in a region with high UV rays, SPF will be your best friend. Many people forget about this, however for trades such as roofing where you are constantly exposed to the sun, applying liberally and often should be your priority. Daily use of an SPF 15 or higher sunscreen can reduce the risk of melanoma and other skin diseases by up to 50%.

Other tools needed to keep you safe on the site

A fairly obvious, but regularly forgotten tip to get into the habit of is to pick up any materials, objects you are no longer using or tools that are in the way. These can create trip hazards for yourself, or others which could easily result in injury.

Keep an updated first aid kit:

Whether it be a tiny cut, or nasty gash, an up to date first aid kit should always be readily available. You never know what type of accident you could face on a construction site each day, therefore being prepared is the best option. A typical first aid kit could include things such as disinfectant, painkillers, bandages and gauze.

Dust extractors can protect you from potential harmful debris and dust particles that when inhaled regularly, could lead to respiratory illnesses. For a full in depth analysis on why you should use an M Class Dust Extractor, check out our blog post.

Tradesman Health and Safety Regulations

Beware of any electrical equipment. Power tools or power lines with high voltages can be fatal to construction workers. Inspecting your tools and equipment regularly will alert you of any faults. It is important that you are over cautious when using corded power tools on the job site, as these can easily be tripped over or in extreme circumstances, cut through.

Coronavirus Construction Sites

If the job is not absolutely necessary, we urge you to postpone it. For essential jobs, take a look at our tips below on how to stay safe on the job site during Covid 19.

  • Avoid close contact with others. If you are working on a large job site, remember to keep to the 2 meter rule and avoid using the same tools as each other if possible
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Use protective equipment such as face masks at all times, and make sure they are clean, ideally new, and never shared
  • Keep antibacterial wipes to hand so you can regularly clean and disinfect your tools, hands, van and area of work. Most supermarket branded sprays and disinfectants are enough to kill the virus, so do so liberally and often!
  • If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, DO NOT GO TO WORK!
  • Where possible, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and plenty of soap. We understand being out on the road all day, it can sometimes be hard to gain access to a sink. This is where your wipes will come in handy.

Health and Safety Checklist

  • Do you have all the correct PPE for the job?
  • Do you understand all the health and safety regulations you should be following?
  • Are you taking extra precautions during these times?

If so, you should now be on track for a safe and healthy working environment. Health & Safety is absolutely essential on the site. Look out for others, and if you notice they are doing something wrong, help them! Have we missed anything? Let us know if there are any other essential steps you follow on the site to keep you and your colleagues safe!

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